About me
I'm a senior principal scientist working at GN Advanced Science in Eindhoven.
GN is an international market leader in intelligent audio and video communication solutions, producing hearing instruments, headsets, speakerphones, gaming peripherals, accessories and military grade hearing protection, with headquarters in Copenhagen and R&D sites in the US, the Netherlands, Denmark, France and China.
I have a Ph.D. degree in Artificial Intelligence from
Maastricht University, a M.Sc. degree in Applied Physics from
TU Delft, and I'm a master level Go player (2d).
For my M.Sc. research I worked in the Pattern Recognition Group on non-linear feature extraction.
For my Ph.D. research I worked on computer Go (Baduk,Weiqi). The research resulted in the thesis 'AI techniques for the game of Go', several publications, and the two Go programs Magog and Migos". The 9x9 Go program Magog participated in several international events, and has won the bronze medal in the 9th Computer Olympiad. The program Migos was the first program in the world to solve 5x5 Go.
In 2008 Migos also found the world's first solutions for 3x7, 4x6, 4x7 and 5x6 (all published human solutions for these boards were wrong).
Migos still holds the record for the largest Go boards solved by computer.
In 2007 I wrote a new Go program called Steenvreter which won
the 12th Computer Olympiad.
I also wrote an Android Go app called
GridMaster which includes a lite version of Steenvreter.
My main interests and expertise are in artificial intelligence, pattern recognition, machine learning, digital signal processing, neural networks, search techniques, games, data mining, perception, and of course computer Go.
Go Research
- A brief overview of my Ph.D. research is available in this presentation (presented at MSRC).
- I supervised Reindert-Jan Ekker for his M.Sc thesis on "Reinforcement Learning and Games"
Academic links
- The Games and AI Group of Maastricht University
- The University of Alberta GAMES Group
- Hiroyuki Iida's research Unit for Computers and Games
- The International Computer Games Association
- Deepmind AlphaGo
Bruno Bouzy,
Tristan Cazenave,
Keh-Hsun Chen,
Rémi Coulom,
Bernard Helmstetter,
Levente Kocsis,
Lukasz Lew,
Martin Müller,
Nic Schraudolph,
John Tromp,
Mark Winands